Nobel Energy


LLC Registration Signals Local Expansion for SDL Nobel

LLC Registration Signals Local Expansion for SDL Nobel


On the 21st of July, 2016, 专业的陆上和海上制造公司SDL Nobel在阿塞拜疆注册为有限责任公司(LLC).

注册为有限责任公司是SDL Nobel在该地区长期活动的最新举措. It is an important development for the local market, as it demonstrates the company’s strong Azerbaijan focus, and their commitment to improving their effectiveness in the region.

自2002年以来,SDL Nobel一直通过其分支机构为阿塞拜疆的石油和天然气行业提供支持服务, 现在将有机会通过这样的区域招标扩大其业务. 

SDL Nobel是Denholm油田服务公司和诺贝尔石油服务公司(英国)的合资公司。. The company employs more than 160 specialists, and serves a number of Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) operators. 其服务包括钢结构的制造和安装, 海上设施和管道系统(以及高压管线)的升级, vessels, tanks and related packages).

通过扩大活动,注册为有限责任公司将提供SDL诺贝尔, 该公司将能够为该地区的发展作出强有力的贡献. This will include the advancement of existing technologies, 更多在该地区开展业务的专家涌入,并扩大当地能力.